Thanks to a grant from the USDA United States Forest Service made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act, hundreds of young adults from diverse backgrounds will receive training to plant over 1,000 trees in environmental justice communities and create a network of micro-nurseries with plant material collected throughout the region.
Partners include Chesapeake Conservancy, Lancaster Clean Water Partners, Lancaster Conservancy, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Susquehanna University and members of the Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition, including Defensores de la Cuenca, Grow Home and Howard Ecoworks.
With $1 billion distributed by the USDA United States Forest Service to nearly 400 projects, Gather and Grow will work alongside hundreds of other projects to boost the nation’s tree cover in underserved communities. Gather and Grow will build upon work by the Maryland Climate Crew Network with the Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. To learn more about the projects accomplished by the Maryland Climate Crew Network, read a blog from the Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition.
To learn more about the projects awarded through the urban and community forestry grant program, visit the USDA United States Forest Service website. For more information about this project, contact Michael Augustin at